
About Us

We believe that technology is more than just a tool; it’s a strategic enabler that propels businesses to new heights.

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Driving Innovative Solutions

From crafting strategic digital transformation initiatives to providing actionable insights through data analytics and AI, we address unique challenges and amplify strengths, driving productivity and efficiency.

How We Started

Zulaiy’s journey began with a shared vision among a group of seasoned professionals who had witnessed firsthand the evolving landscape of technology. Fueled by a collective passion for innovation, they recognized the potential for technology to be a driving force behind business success.

The founders, each bringing their unique expertise and experiences from diverse industries, came together with a singular goal: to empower businesses with strategic and innovative technology solutions. They understood that technology wasn’t just a tool but a catalyst for growth, efficiency, and security in the digital era.

Their collaborative spirit and unwavering commitment led to the establishment of Zulaiy, a company dedicated to guiding businesses through the dynamic terrain of technology. From the very beginning, the founders aimed to foster a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and client-centricity.

As Zulaiy took its first steps, the founders embarked on a mission to provide tailored solutions that transcended conventional approaches. They understood that every business faced unique challenges and aimed to address these by leveraging their combined expertise and a forward-thinking approach.

With a strong foundation built on expertise, innovation, and a deep understanding of client needs, Zulaiy began its journey as a leading force in shaping the future of businesses through transformative technology solutions. Today, the company continues to uphold these founding principles, driving positive change in the technology landscape and enabling businesses to thrive in the digital era.

Our Mission

At Zulaiy, our mission is to empower businesses with strategic and innovative technology solutions that drive growth, efficiency, and security. We are committed to becoming a trusted partner for our clients, guiding them through the dynamic landscape of technology and helping them navigate challenges with confidence. Through collaborative expertise and client-centric approaches, we aim to transform technological complexities into opportunities for our clients to excel in their industries." 

Our Vision

Our vision at Zulaiy is to be a leading force in shaping the future of businesses through transformative technology solutions. We aspire to be recognized not only for our technical prowess but also for our unwavering commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of each client. By fostering a culture of innovation, continuous learning, and collaboration, we strive to drive positive change in the technology landscape and enable businesses to thrive in the digital era.

Increase Productivity with Our Technology

Embrace the future with our AI solutions that leverage the power of machine learning and automation. From predictive analytics that guide your strategic moves to automation that streamlines operations, we’ll help you harness the full potential of AI. 

Meet our Professional Team


Abdussamad Bello


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Asha Mustapha

Digital Marketing

Abdussamad Bello


Asha Mustapha

Digital Marketing

Abubakar Adamu

AI/ML Consultant

Aliyu Alege

AI/ML Consultant

Lateefah Bello

Project Manager